Social media promotion

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Today, almost every Internet user is an active user of one or even several social platforms. Social networks have huge internal traffic and tremendous potential in terms of advertising products and services. Social media marketing (SMM) is a set of measures to attract traffic and attention to a brand/product/service through social networks. Content creation, audience feedback, increasing the number of subscribers – all this and much more includes SMM.

Currently, the most popular social media platforms in Russia are: social networks – VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook; blogs – Twitter; video and photo blogs – YouTube, Instagram. According to Yandex, the semiannual audience of Runet exceeds 51 million people, which is 45% of the population of Russia over 18 years old. The total number of users of social services, according to TNS Gallup Media, in Russia is 93% of all Internet users. The average user checks their social media account approximately 13.8 times during their workday.

Microsoft optimized its Bing search engine, using Facebook fans to buy virtual money – the currency of the Farmvill game – as the main promotion tool. In one day, the number of search engine friends on Facebook grew by 360%, amounting to 425,000 users. Evaluating this action, analysts admitted that not every traditional marketing action (carried out through the press, TV or radio) can be as effective.

All large companies use SMM. Thus, they achieve colossal results, increasing their sales (on average 250-350%) and trust in their brand.

Social media promotion has many undeniable advantages:

  1. Huge internal traffic. Social networks are actively developing and are constantly attracting new users.
  2. Impact directly on the target audience. Ability to select geographic region, gender, age and other search criteria.
  3. Good value for money. Relatively moderate costs in terms of quality and number of potential customers.
  4. User confidence in your product or service is higher due to the recommendation scheme for spreading messages on social networks.
  5. Viral Marketing. Due to the fact that users are constantly sharing information with each other, the viral effect of information dissemination occurs, and you can pay attention to your brand or product to a large number of users in a relatively short time.
  6. Improving the effectiveness of feedback from potential customers. The user is much more willing to ask a question on social platforms than to call you.
The team WEB 161 provides a full range of services to promote in social networks. networks.

Our specialists will analyze and select social platforms, the audience of which will really correspond to the status of your potential client. He will develop a plan of promotion activities: create a community and the necessary competent content, increase the number of subscribers, engage in moderation and feedback.

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