Website promotion

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«Website development is the first stage in promoting your business online»

Tens of thousands of new pages appear on the Internet every day; search engines are simply not able to pay attention to newly created sites. Of course, sooner or later, the search robot will reach your site, but no one can tell how long it will take. To speed up the indexing process of your site, you need to take a number of steps to optimize your site.

As a rule, the newly created site is added to the queue for indexing in the search engine. Thus, we notify the search engine that a new site has appeared. After a certain time, usually 2-4 weeks, a search robot will visit it and start indexing the pages.

Depending on the region, subject matter and quality of the site itself, this may be enough for the site to gradually begin to rise in search results. But what if there is no movement or you have a lot of competitors?

First and foremost, the site must be understandable and user-friendly, and the content, be it images or text, must be unique and meaningful. SEO specialists, having audited the site, can help with internal optimization, they will identify all the weaknesses and be able to fix them, or give recommendations on how to fix them if the flaws are related to the site code. And usability specialists will determine exactly how convenient the site is for users and will help to maximize ergonomics.

Since there are an incredible number of sites on the Internet and almost every topic has its own resource, search engines provide for several hundred factors for ranking sites in search results. The position of a site in the search results is influenced by its quality, age, region, number of external links, presence in social networks, and much more. It is not possible for a person to understand all this without special knowledge. Once again, SEO specialists come to the rescue. They know exactly what needs to be done in order for the site to take the leading positions in the search results for the required keywords. And they will be able to achieve this faster than if the site went up itself, even without having competitors.

A team of specialists WEB 161 provides a full range of services to promote sites in any region.

We will conduct an audit of the site, identify all the shortcomings, fix them, compose the correct semantic core and give recommendations on the content. We will build up a high-quality link mass and ensure that the site reaches the TOP as soon as possible with minimal costs for you.

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