Ranking factors for commercial sites in Yandex

Modern search engines, be it Yandex or Google, have several hundred ranking factors. What should be considered when promoting a website? Site appearance: Website design. Page loading speed (may vary by hosting). Text materials without grammatical errors. Lack of 400th error codes (403, 404, etc.). Range: Product categories should be…

BIG DATA – “New Oil”

Big Data is a complex phenomenon that has received a great response in all areas of human activity. Big Data is called the revolution of the digital age and is associated with oil in terms of its importance to society. It is not a part of any industry, but a…


There are many reasons why your site may sag in search engine results or stop indexing altogether. One of these reasons is pessimization. Pessimization is a deliberate underestimation of a site’s position in search results. The reason, as a rule, is that the site shows signs of “black optimization” or…

Mobile Trends Book 2014

The guys from UXpin and Movade studio have prepared a 158-page PDF work, in which they examined the main trends in mobile app design for this year. Each trend is accompanied by a bunch of examples. We already mentioned UXpin when they published a book about Web Design Trends 2013-2014.…

Details about contextual advertising

In this article we have already mentioned contextual advertising. But let’s take a closer look at it. In 1997, Bill Gross put forward, patented and implemented the idea of selling advertising links that would be shown to users along with their search results – this is how contextual advertising appeared.…

SEO or contextual advertising

Advertising, SEO
Quite often there is a debate about which is better website promotion or contextual advertising. In fact, both options are good in their own way. For a visual comparison, we present a comparative table. Website promotion Contextual advertising Where is the site shown In search engine results On the search…

Who needs a website and why?

Perhaps one of the main tasks of modern society is to inform everyone and everyone, practically, about everything, so it is quite difficult to do without web technologies. Today, for any questions, it is easier for us to ask for help on the Internet and already there to find the…

Web design trends for 2013-2014. Book.

Web Design. Book of Trends 2013-2014 This is the title of the book on trends in web design for 2013-2014. This work was written by the UXpin service team. It turned out very interesting and informative. Download PDF (169 Mb) …